Risk Management Online Boating Course Instructions

1.  To begin the Louisiana Risk Management Online Boating Course go to the link below:


2.  On the first page you need to enter your name and your boater education student number. If you do not know your number, obtain it from your supervisor before continuing.

3.  Click the checkbox that confirms, "I have read and fully understand the above disclaimer and certify that I have already successfully completed a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boating education course and have proof of such."

4.  Click the BEGIN COURSE button to proceed.

5.  On the next page you will be asked to select the display size for your course. The LARGE version will work for most people, but if you have a smaller monitor or have your screen resolution set high, select the SMALL version.

6.  On the next page you may see a pale yellow bar across the top of the screen.  It will look something like the image below.  If you see this you must click on the yellow bar and choose "Allow blocked content..." for the presentation to display correctly.  If you do not see this bar proceed to step 7. 

7.  If you are prompted to download a file, click to download it, then click on RETRY, then click OPEN.  Additional instructions will be displayed at the bottom of the page.  If you are not prompted to download a file, proceed to step 8.

8.  The Powerpoint presentation is displayed in the middle of the page.  It looks like this:

To advance through the slides for the course you can click anywhere in the blue area, or use the scroll bar on the right side of the image.  The last slide of the Powerpoint presentation contains a password you will need in order to print your certificate.  After you have gotten to the slide with this password on it, click the CONTINUE button.

9.  Now you can enter the password from the last slide of the Powerpoint presentation and click on CONTINUE to view your certificate.  If you click the START OVER button it will take you back to the beginning of the course.

10.  If you entered the correct password and clicked CONTINUE you will see your CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION.  Click the PRINT THIS PAGE button to print your certificate.